
Psychosocial readiness

Are you compliant? Take our 90sec Psychosocial Risk Compliance Tool check.

What we do

Drawing on our backgrounds in organisational psychology, business leadership, high-performance sport, clinical healthcare, and interpersonal neuroscience, our technology helps you conveniently achieve psychosocial risk compliance, build supportive psychosocial work environments, coordinate employee care, and leverage the benefits to improve health, safety, and performance.

Revolutionary Psychosocial Risk Harm-benefit indicator

  • Learn why we are the most effective risk assessment tool
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses to avoid negative bias

Use Cases

Whether your aim is to complete:

We’ve developed Mibo flexibly to meet your aims.
And if you’re a specialist workplace consultant we’d love to help enhance your consulting with Mibo.

About us

Mibo is the result of two long time friends coming together… Sean Fyfe, the Physiotherapist and Exercise Scientist; and Dr. Anthony Ross, the Psychologist.  Both having personally competed professionally in sport, worked together with professional athletes and high-performance sport organisations, founded and led successful businesses, and provided clinical health care to the general population and increasingly corporate clients.


Mibo surveys

A unique approach to psychosocial risk assessment

Drawing on our backgrounds in high performance sport, clinical healthcare, and collaboration with world leading experts, we take a unique approach to psychosocial risk assessment providing a balanced and accurate work environment understanding.

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Mibo dashboard

Helping translate survey results into an unparalleled understanding of your psychosocial environment

The mibo dashboard provides both broad and granular views; organisation, site, department, and team options; our revolutionary harm-benefit indicator for psychosocial risk; and the ability to monitor trends over time.

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Mibo records

Record and review control measures in one convenient place

Designed to save you precious time and energy, our digital Risk Register allows you to record and review all control measures in one convenient place.

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The coach approach

Our data-led, digital trainings help skill your leaders and managers

Just like high-performance sports teams, our data-led, digital trainings help your leaders and managers become skilled coaches capable of designing work and managing teams in a way that improves psychosocial health, safety, and performance.

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Psychosocial health app

Empowering the integration of supportive psychosocial habits into the work day

Designed to integrate 5 minutes of supportive psychosocial action into the work day including brief personalised work breaks, targeted personal well-being goals, data-led opportunities to upskill, and tracking of psychosocial health outcomes.

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Drawing on our backgrounds in high performance sport, clinical healthcare, and collaboration with world leading experts, we take a unique approach to psychosocial risk assessment providing a balanced and accurate work environment understanding.

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The mibo dashboard provides both broad and granular views; organisation, site, department, and team options; our revolutionary harm-benefit indicator for psychosocial risk; and the ability to monitor trends over time.

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Designed to save you precious time and energy, our digital Risk Register allows you to record and review all control measures in one convenient place.

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Just like high-performance sports teams, our data-led, digital trainings help your leaders and managers become skilled coaches capable of designing work and managing teams in a way that improves psychosocial health, safety, and performance.

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Designed to integrate 5 minutes of supportive psychosocial action into the work day including brief personalised work breaks, targeted personal well-being goals, data-led opportunities to upskill, and tracking of psychosocial health outcomes.

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Our solutions are priced based on your employee numbers and specific aims

Level 1

Health Check

Recommended for organisations wanting to achieve a detailed understanding of your psychosocial strengths, weaknesses, and risks in 3 simple steps.

  • Desktop Review
  • One Time Work Environment + Health Outcomes Surveys
  • Mibo Report and Action Plan
  • 6 Months Dashboard Access
Level 2


Recommended for organisations wanting to achieve psychosocial risk compliance conveniently and cost effectively.

Health Check plus:
  • Ongoing Surveys + Pulse Checks
  • Ongoing Dashboard Access
  • Risk Registery
Level 3


Recommended for organisations wanting automated and personalised digitial trainings for managers guiding team level consultation and control measure development.

Monitor plus:
  • Work Environment Manager Trainings
  • Employee Work Environment
  • Trainings (Optional)
  • Respect at Work Trainings
Level 4


Recommended for organisations looking to include our comprehensive psychosocial health intervention that integrates into work practices to improve the work environment and promote individual health outcomes.

Coach plus:
  • Data led, digital manager and employee mental health/well-being training
  • Proactive well-being action
  • Personalised, evidence based mental health self-care options

Book a demo

Schedule a call to help us learn about your aims and demonstrate how Mibo works…


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